Castlevania – Lord of Shadows
For those of you who have been living under a rock, or have just been willfully ignorant of recent Castlevania news, there is a new game in the series being released next week. Capcom has saw fit to tease us with several trailers which I will be be linking here for your enjoyment and frustration. It comes out on the 5th of October, and I will definitely be picking it up day 1.
Original Trailer from 2 E3 2009:
E3 2010 Trailer:
Trailer from TGS 2010 (In Japanese):
A gameplay/cutscene video with some not half bad commentary:
[youtube] [/youtube]
Another Catherine Trailer
Atlus presented a second trailer at the TGS for the new Persona HD game, Catherine. While Persona has always had an emphasis on the psychology of the characters and how it applied to their interactions and the world, the new game promised to step it up a notch. Both graphically and gratuitously. And while I’ll probably still buy this (If by some miracle it makes it to NA), I will have to hold my head low with shame. Or order it online.
TF2 Dancing
I’ve been keeping tabs on a fellow named James Benson after some little parody skits he did with the TF2 characters dancing. Here’s the completed video.