Tag Archives: Sale

Great Game Deals – 2013-1-2

More Amazon sales.
Kingdoms of Amalur and all DLC $14.99 (Only $10 if you have an editors choice 5 dollar discount from buying stuff earlier in the year). Activates on Origin (NOT STEAM)

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean $7.50

ALERT! Urgent incoming messages from the corporate alliance!

Great Game Deals – 2012-12-24

Scribblenauts is super cheap on Amazon at the moment, 75% off at $7.49. Bought it myself and have verified it activates on steam.


Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition 64% off $14.99

(activates on steam)


LEGO Lord of the Rings 75% off $7.49

(doesn’t activate on steam as far as I know)

ALERT! Incoming Transmission!

Great Game Deals – Amazon.com: THQ Darksiders Bundle

Great deal on darksiders 1 and 2 and all DLC, 2 registers on steam as well (not sure about 1)

Great Game Deals – 2012-10-14



1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Augmented Edition [Download]
2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution – The Missing Link DLC [Download]
3. Hitman: Blood Money [Online Game Code]
4. Just Cause 2 [Download]
5. Just Cause [Online Game Code]
6. Quantum Conundrum [Download]
7. Supreme Commander 2 [Download]
8. The Last Remnant [Online Game Code]


And most (if not all) of them activate on steam.



Use the code “SQRLUVIO” for an additional $2 off the pack (or any other game)

Great Game Deals – 2012-10-7 Part 2

So of course, I actually get around to posting about a bunch of deals on games and then half of them end a few hours later.


Some new ones to takes their place though. The Batman deal especially hurts since I payed more, but have only recently finished playing Arkham City and still don’t even have all the DLC :/