Portal 2 Pneumatic Diversity Vent and other videos
Hey look, I actually posted something!
More Portal 2 vids from Valve. Games looks really neat, lots of new toys, a portal gun that sucks things into the portal, taking the companion cube with you, my only problem is I worry I might be terrible at this game if the platforming gets too intense =D
Pneumatic Diversity Vent
Thermal Discouragement Beam
Propulsion Gel
Older but still worth a look:
Portal is Free (Well, it was – now it’s just a good deal).
Portal 2 Teaser Trailer
New Portal 2 Video
I am incredibly excited for the new Portal game, and it looks like Valve is going to continue it’s trend of teasing us mercilessly with sneak previews.
Valve removed the original video from Youtube because the voice actor changed, fortunately I’m OCD about keeping copies of things =D Updated video and explanations here:
Meet Wheatley
[flv]http://www.amused-geeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Meet Wheatley.mp4[/flv]