Pete Holmes College Humor Batman Videos
On the off chance there’s anyone who hasn’t seen these, comedian Pete Holmes’ Batman skits from College Humor.
In no particular order:
Batman vs. The Penguin (with Patton Oswalt)
Batman Vs. Superman
Batman Blows His Cover
Batman Meets Two-Face
Batman Chooses His Voice
Batman Meets the Riddler
Batman Can’t Stop Thinking About Sex
Batman Says His Goodbyes
Batman vs. The Scarecrow
Batman Interrogation
Batman Vanishing
Good Will Batman (Explicit Version)
Annnd bonus, outtakes:
Batman: The Outtakes
Portal: No Escape Fan Film
Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg)
Pretty well done and interesting Portal video. Somewhat old, but apparently I never posted it, so here we go =)
Starring Danielle Rayne, who apparently “Holds a machine gun permit to operate an M-16 with the Dept. of Justice for the state of California.”
Portal: No Escape
Some more stuff after the jump:
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Youtube Animation Trawling
Amongst all of the video blog, ranting, raving, political, bumfight advertisement BS Youtube still has a lot of really neat stuff to offer, and like Wikipedia and a bunch of other sites, finding one interesting thing usually leads to hours of lost productivity finding more and more related, interesting things in an out of control, link clicking spiral into hell and unemployment.
Here’s a few animations I’ve found on my latest procrastination spree. Most vids after the jump. Some of these feature some violence/gore, so if that bothers you, you might want to skip these.
The Backwater Gospel
Very Nice Space Videos
Right after a Star Wars post, I bring you a post of some realistic videos of outer space. =D
These are pretty incredible. If you go to Youtube to watch them, you can set them to super HD and watch fullscreen. Very, very nice. Footage of earth from the international space station and similar. Well worth a view.
This one has some religious stuff dubbed over, just mute it if you find it annoying, the video is still amazing.
Skyrim: Dragon Hunt – Elder Scrolls Skyrim Fan Movie
Pretty neat live-action/CG fan movie for Elder Scrolls Skyrim by Bethesda (Which I’m not actually terribly interested in, could never get into oblivion, but the video is neat).